cock-and-bull stories

美 [kɑːk ənd bʊl ˈstɔriz]英 [kɒk ənd bʊl ˈstɔːriz]
  • n.无稽之谈;荒诞的故事
  • cock-and-bull story的复数
cock-and-bull storiescock-and-bull stories

cock-and-bull stories


  • 1
    N-COUNT 荒诞的故事;无稽之谈
    If you describe something that someone tells you as a cock-and-bull story, you mean that you do not believe it is true.

    Was it him who made you come to us with this cock-and-bull story?


  1. Every time I go to his house , his father tells me cock-and-bull stories .


  2. US actress Kristen Stewart was rumored to be in a relationship with fellow actor Robert Pattinson ( both above sight ) . Stewart was quoted as saying that she intends to always keep her romantic life private : " Cock-and-bull stories .
